Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Here are some pics I've been meaning to put up, but Jeebs has the laptop all day that has my pictures so I had to sneak it in this morning. The tops pics are of my little cowboy and cowgirl -these weren't taken on Halloween, but since they turned out so much better than the ONE that we took on Halloween I posted those instead. The next ones are for my little brother to laugh at because it was our first trip to Aldi; hence the new name of the blog. That was a suggestion from my big bro. Happy election day! I'm just thankful I already voted.

1 comment:

DyessFam said...

Cute pics! Did you just dress them up one day or something? You are so funny documenting your first trip to Aldi. I love it! When your kids get older and they see all the pics and the blog, they are gonn have such a good time strolling down memory lane!