Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ramblings of an insane person

I am certifiable. Ask anybody in my family. I used to drive my older brother insane with my panic attacks. hehehehe One night we were at a comedy club- I think he was sort of on a date. I had to drag him out because my hands were curling in on themselves. I thought I was dying. It was just a panic attack. We found out later- that's the sign of a bad one. Who knew??

So anyway- I got those under control - once I figured out what was going on- I can just talk myself out of them. I still have weird panic moments. Like recently I've been seeing words wrong at first glance. To most people that may not be weird, but to me, the psychotic that I am- I'm thinking- what if I have ms or a tumor somewhere that the CAT scan didn't pick up. I keep worrying about something going wrong with my child- I just find it hard to believe that we will have 3 kids in a few months. We've been a family of 4 for so long. Jeebs felt the baby move a couple of nights ago. He was trying to feel it move again tonight while playing catch with Cagey and Cagey was saying "no, daddy, I don't want you to feel the baby move." It's going to be really interesting to see Cagey with a little sibling. I also worry about how my baby hardly ever moves when I'm laying still- especially in the morning when I've been still for a while. That's when they generally move, right?? Well, this one doesn't. I usually feel this one when I've been up for a little bit and then sit down. It's like the jostling wakes him/her up. What the heck does that mean? Probably nothing at all- but again, psycho!! Also, I worry that my husband is never going to get another full-time job with the new President getting into office. All the heads of companies know they're about to get the crud taxed out of them so few people are hiring. Everyone is downsizing so they will be able to pay their taxes and still make money. Anyway- that's scary and I don't think I"m being psychotic about that one.


wagdog said...

woothea. that was the word verification i had to type in to get this comment to post. i like it so much you should name your kid woothea. don't freak out too much. if you keep curling your hands, gloves aren't going to fit over them things before too long. For the record, it was not officially a date. I was just trying to get to know this chick who turned out to be a tease. Nessa was really trying to save me from myself. When she gets like that, she can bring the panic attacks on at will! (Hand curling powers...ACTIVATE!)

DyessFam said...

Glen, you crack me up! Yeah, pray those suckers away! I've only had a few and only when my body is extremely overrun by hormones via baby or just having one, but yikes!!!! Anyway, rest in the Lord, girl, cuz ain't nobody else got assurance any other way. Mokay.

alexandriasmomma said...

OH MY GOSH!! I got the passwords right!!! Sometimes I even amaze myself. Anyway, gee, I can't get over Tates losing two teeth back to back. I guess I did the same thing because I lost both my bottom front and top front teeth at virtually the same time. Thus my nickname, "Snagglepuss". Courtesy of my daddy.