Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Morning

This morning was nice and cold when we woke up, just how it should be. We didn't have to be to church until 10 so we had an extra hour in the morning for breakfast and pictures. I made cinnamon rolls last night and put them in the fridge. I baked them this morning and they filled the house with the deliciousness that is cinnamon roll smell :) While they were in the oven I walked by my new "Tree" plug-in from bath and body works and got a small whiff of Christmas Tree. The cold mixed with all the smells made me so happy and it just felt like Christmas- even though Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet- oh well. The Christmas season is just too short and the older I get the shorter it gets. So, I'm starting my Christmas seasoning early. We watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" on TBS last night. We've already been watching our Christmas movies on the DVR and today Tates wore a red and cream Christmas looking dress that she just got yesterday. I have to say I may have a new favorite for church clothes. I LOVE Gymboree- but this dress is from Hanna Anderson and it is so nice. My mom ordered it for her because they were having a big sale on their dresses and this one was so cute. Anyway- I had to post a picture of her because she looked too cute today.

The close-ups didn't turn out too well because Taylor always looks a little constipated in her pictures and apparently Cage was mad about something. He always comes home from church and immediately goes to screaming about the clothes he's supposed to change in to. Today- we got home and he started his business- we were trying to ignore him and then I hear Taylor doing something to him. I thought she was messing with him and I was ready to separate them when I heard Cage start giggling through his screaming. She was doing something to make him laugh- she's a good big sister. Last night they were laying in bed and Taylor kept yelling from her room to Cagey's- because, yes, he was screaming for tylenol, which he didn't need, he just likes the taste i guess- "Cagey are you okay?" Cagey would calm down a bit and through his sniffles say "yes". It was sweet.

Just as a side note in this post--I've always loved the South- I was born and raised in East Texas very close to the Louisiana border- it was the south! I know some people don't consider Texas southern, but it is. Anyway- I've always stuck up for the south, loved the people in the south, loved living in the south- until last week. I have to say I lost it for a night. First of all- we've been fighting ants in our kitchen for a while now- disgusting. We sprayed before we went to Utah in August and hadn't had a problem until a few weeks ago. Well, they have now decided that they want to get in the dishwasher and eat the food that drops from the dishes- I guess. Annoying. Then, I was thinking back to our first rental home here- it had FLEAS!! It was so disgusting. I was picking fleas off of my children the Christmas we spent there as they were opening their presents. The only saving grace of that disgusting place was that it was on the river and it was gorgeous. I'll post a pic of our back yard. Back to the bugs--then that night- the real thing that put me over the edge was pulling a tick off of my Tates. It was really stuck in her leg too- and dead- we pulled it out and I was just convinced Tates was going to get Lymes disease because that is our luck lately. Thankfully- she hasn't shown any signs of that. Then after getting the tick put into a little container to keep in case Tates did come down with something- Jeebs opens the garage/kitchen door and in comes a HUGE spider. I know spiders are good- they eat bugs- but I really don't want them in my house. I just lost it - the bugs in the south are disgusting. It's so funny to me though - the way my westerner husband tries to kill ants. He won't just smash them with his finger and throw them away or whatever- he bats at them like they're going to immediately bite him upon contact- hehehe. I really do love being from the south- we just need better weather and that would also cure the nasty bug problem.

This is the view from our backyard at our flea infested house. They were having a sailboating class or something one day on the river and Jeebs got this pic.


The Airharts said...

I hit the aunts away like that too-they do bite here...I hate it. Love the countdown ticker! Thanks for the cinnamon rolls-they were delish!

DyessFam said...

Well, I guess I'll be waiting a long time for my cinnamon rolls. Back to good ole pillsbury! I have to have instant gratification where cinnamon rolls are concerned, but if you ever feel like making me some....hehehe. Very cute dress. I like her little hair do! So fun. Buh-bye.

DyessFam said...

That is a very cool poem. Thanks!