I really thought I had a midwife appointment today at noon. Well, noon came and I hadn't heard anything from my midwife. She was going to come to my house and she's never been here before so I thought I'd at least get a call wondering where exactly we lived. Nope, nada, nothing. So I couldn't remember if she had given me an appointment card or not, but I dug in my wallet and sure enough there it was. Dec 23rd, which is tomorrow- at 12:30. Well, I was close anyway. hehehehe I had a chiropractic appointment this morning and I really like my chiropractor- she's had 2 homebirths and she really understands what pregnant women need with chiropractic. She only adjusts a few things at a time which is different from what I'm used to, but it is helping me not to feel totally crippled. I may actually be able to have more children if I can make it through this one :) I have been so anxious lately about this baby. I know I've blogged about it before, but I am a total insane-oe lately. I have decided I just can't worry - and while that works sometimes, I still find myself dwelling on the stupidest stuff. We finally have cold - dryer weather today- perfect for making candy. So, I'm going to try my hand at making some almond rocca- a recipe Elizabeth Lewis sent me- thank you Elizabeth. I may also try to make some more fudge. I need to take some treats to my visiting teachees- we'll see if that happens :)
This weekend was very stressful- I did get my hair done Saturday morning and I feel somewhat back to normal. I went to someone new and I really like what she did. I did get a huge breath of hair chemicals- which I am sure was wonderful for my unborn child and then later when I got home- our propane tank to our fireplace sprung a leak and leaked completely out. Luckily, I only smelled a little bit of it- but again, the baby got a lot of chemistry that day :( We had the missionaries over for dinner that night. Then, on Sunday I participated in a musical number- which always makes me so freaking nervous- it was my idea too- I don't know why I get myself into those things. But, I think it turned out great- thanks Elizabeth and Amy- I think y'all are the only 2 in our number that read this blog:) if not thanks to Jamie and Kimberly too:) After all that, I had to do sharing time in Primary. I had a fun idea that kind of flopped- the little kids got a little too carried away with it- and the older kids ran out of time because we looked up so many scriptures- oh well. Scriptures are the best teachers, right? So, needless to say, I'm glad that weekend is over.
Christmas should be fun and relaxing- I've ordered a smoked turkey from gobblegobble.com. They are located in Tyler, TX and we had one when I was at home in Texas for something one year. It was so dang good!! I'm so excited to eat another one!! For some reason I've craved turkey, ham, hotwings and anything mustardy this pregnancy. It's got to be another boy. I generally don't like ham or hotwings. Weird what pregnancy does to you. Okay- now that you can't remember a time before reading this blog- I'm off to make some candy and eat lunch.