Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26th

My daddy wanted to be a vet when he grew up. He loves dogs and they love him. Percy is always so excited to see daddy when my parental units come to visit. What made you decide against being a vet daddy?

Ezra crawled through a pile of dog poop today. I was trying to keep everybody out of it and was doing so successfully. Then Taylor got hurt and I went to see about her out in the yard. I turned around to see Buggy in slow-motion crawling towards me. I screamed "NO, BUGGY!" It was too late hand, belly, leg- everything went right through it. Luckily, it was a little dry so he only had a little smear on his leg, but...yuck.

Dogs don't usually like me. Whenever we rode our bikes around- the woods, down the street, around our neighborhood- if there were dogs- they'd come after me. Maybe it was because I pedaled slower than my sibs or maybe they could smell fear. I hate big dogs.

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