Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13th

1. The last movie my sister saw was "Ella Enchanted"- at my apartment in Provo. BLAGH. that movie is not one of the greats.

2. Yang LOVED Harry Potter. She was the first of all of us to get into Harry Potter. She read the books and the first movie came out while she was on her mission. I remember sitting and watching it while my mom taped it for Yang off of pay per view.

3. For some reason my sister loved "Holes". She read the book and then saw the movie. She kept saying to me "you need to see Holes- yada yada" I just didn't think it seemed like a good movie. I finally watched it after she passed away. It is a pretty good story and a cute movie. I'm sure the book is way better.

4. My sister loved Shakespeare. She saw Much Ado About Nothing at the Varsity theater at BYU. The Varsity theater showed movies that they had edited. So, all the bad scenes were taken out. Well, when I moved to Provo my sister said we had to rent Much Ado About Nothing because it was soooo good. Much to our shock and surprise there were naked bums running all around at the beginning!! YUCK!! I can still hear my sister doing her little short screams as she scrambled for the remote to stop the movie- hehehehe- gross. No more naked bums!!!!!! I don't want to see yo' crack!!

5. My sister was a scifi chick. She loved scifi- in fact all of my sibs love scifi. I can't stand scifi!!! The only shows I can stand watching on there are Ghost Hunters and Scare Tactics.

1 comment:

DyessFam said...

okay, the naked bums are funny!!!!! I can totally see both of you screaming and laughing about that! I have that movie and the funny thing is, that particular set of scenes is totally unnecessary to the movie and doesn't really fit in with the rest of it anyway. So funny! Oh, I must remind you of your x-files "obsession" in highschool, miss I-don't-like-scifi! I know you really only watched it to drool over David Duchovney (sp?) anyway! hehehehe