Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8th

1. My sister loved the Training Table. She was all about their cheese fries with fry sauce of course and the chicken salad with artichoke hearts. When she was the only one living out there and we would go for a visit she would always want to take us to Training Table for cheese fries.

2. My sister was really good at "doing as the Romans do". It took her just a week at Academy for Girls at BYU when she was 14 or so to start talking like a Utahan. It was funny. The first thing she said to us when we picked her up was "Hiyee you Guyees".

3. My sister was drum major her senior year. She loved it. The band director loved her too.

4. To know my sister was to love her. There weren't many people that yang knew that didn't like her. If they didn't like her- they were usually psycho.

5. My sister had a major fear of diving that took her a while to get over. I remember when we first got our swimming pool she was 14- she was still trying to make herself go head first into the water. I never understood that one :)


DyessFam said...

Yep, I've got stretch marks, but so far no new ones this pregnancy. The ones from my other two look like a crazy person got a hold of a purple sharpie marker and made a failed attempt at a map! AAaaaahhhhh! I thought after the first pregnancy and all the stretch marks that one produced, that surely those would do for the second one, but, oh no, I got plenty more! This time I haven't gotten any so far, at least no new ones. I can't imagine where any new ones would fit though, to be honest.:)

DyessFam said...

Yeah, I forgot to address the couch comment. You know you wanna look like a couch from 1972! Anyway, I like it and I'm gonna strut my pregnant and then breastfeeding self in it! hehehee

wagdog said...

The thing is, Training Table doesn't call it fry sauce. They call it "Ultimate Dipping Sauce." That is exactly how gee would order it with her Utah accent. I wasn't allowed to order. The Training Table has phones at each table that you use to call in your order. My accent (though diminished by a 2-year stint in Idaho where I had to learn to enunciate and speak faster ) was such that I was unable to order and be understood. I'm glad Yang was there or I would have starved. :-)

alexandriasmomma said...

Yang was 12 when she attended Academy for Girls. Nessa missed her so much that week it was pitiful. She dragged around one of Yang's slips or gowns like a security blanket.

alexandriasmomma said...

Did Yang allow ANYONE else to order? I don't think so. She wanted to be sure it was done RIGHT! She was the personification of the old adage, "If you want something done right, do it yourself!"

alexandriasmomma said...

I never did understand her fear of diving, either. But as has been noted in other posts, Yang took every precaution to protect herself and her loved ones from bodily harm. She was a true Wagley--a more cautious bunch you will NEVER see. I guess I'm too stupid to be afraid. I never had any fear of the water. I couldn't get over those kids at swimming lessons who wouldn't put their faces in the water. I'm afraid I was very unkind when describing them to my parents---now that I've had children who are cautious I'm a lot kinder. I realize that they are undoubtedly smarter than I!!!

alexandriasmomma said...

Yeah, anyone who didn't like Yang was either just jealous or mentally disturbed---like that Grammer girl. Her problem was jealousy. THAT experience was the catalyst for the New Era story. As I remember, they pay VERY WELL for stories. The money sure came in handy! Yang wrote that for her Honors Creative Writing Class that she took as a BYU Freshman. She made an "A" in that class. I have never bragged on her many accomplishments, as evidenced by Nessa getting the details of Yang's scholarship wrong, but all bets are off now!!!! Yang received a full tuition scholarship to BYU (not half-tuition, which was previously reported), which was the best scholarship BYU offered at the time, except for the Benson, which would be the Monson now! How many people do Y'ALL know who got a scholarship like that? I can tell you that no one around HERE has ever received a scholarship like that (I'm talking about people at church), even the ones whose parents brag ENDLESSLY about their children's scholastic prowess! The only other person I know is Ryan, daddy's nephew, who received the Benson a few years before Yang graduated. I think that is what put the idea into her head. I just wish I had been more help to her.

alexandriasmomma said...

Don't think that Yang was a follower in that she "did as the Romans did". She was NEVER a follower. She was a leader in every way. She was just good at adjusting to new situations. You know that saying, "Go with the flow"? Well, Yang WAS the flow!!!